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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

::just do it...(no,i'm not talking about the nike sport logo)::

Dear blog readers...hello again!
Wow,so far two a row!Anyway,I am going to try to post what is on my mind and try to do it fast because I need to go spend time with God!So,what's on my mind is this...

Life is too short to waste it!I am sure many of you,if not all of you,have heard that before,but did you really listen to it...I hope you did,I really hope you did!Think about it,when is the last time you heard it said?And what have you got accomplished to FURTHER the kingdom of God since then?As Christians we are called to go out and witness to the lost,it is a mandate from God!He tells us that if someone doesn't listen to what we have to say,then go somewhere else!We have to pick up the pieces and just go...go...go.There is no time for us to think about if we should do what God has called us to do...whether it be being a missionary,a preacher,a wife and a mother,or even something in your everyday life like doing something nice for a sibling.There is no time for that,we have to just do it!We have to just do it and live each second as if it were our last!If you don't know where to start,start by surrendering your life and everything in it to God and just pray and listen to what he has to tell you,and then just do it,because we are not promised a tomorrow!The school in which I attend has lost three young ladies in car accidents in the past few years and then just last week we almost lost another one.Precious lives were taken and so many others were shattered,and it is sad to say,but in my humble opinion I don't think they were living life as if it were their last day here on Earth.Many people exist but very rarely do people actually live.Last night I was watching the all to familiar show(at least I think so) Seventh Heaven and Eric,who is a reverend,was saying that birthdays are celebrated to commemorate someone and to give them the assurance of a fresh start to the next year of their life.He said that we should live life everyday as if it were our birthday,because we do have a new start everyday and only because of Jesus Christ do we have that!Tonight,or tomorrow,or whenever you read this,I encourage you to forget about everything that has happened today,yesterday,or whenever and to start new!Go and do something for somebody that will brighten their day and let them know that they can start new too,all because of Jesus Christ!So go,and whenever you feel as though you do not know what to do or when to do it...just do it at that moment and make that moment your now.You know when life knocks you to your knees you are in just the right position to pray!Have a blessed know what I mean!
Lahni Blair

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