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Saturday, June 19, 2010

::Take off your sandals and have a barefoot encounter with God::

I am back from my week long stay at one of my favorite places in the world...Church Camp! I have been going to church camp for NINE years...ever since I can remember I have loved church camp mostly for the fun. Starting this blog back in February was a branch from the relationship that I had built with God, and since that relationship started, my God has changed my life so much and it has been such an exciting adventure! So, this year at church camp, I came to camp ready for God to draw closer to me and me to Him. The moment I stepped foot on the camp grounds I knew God had in store so much for me at camp. I didn't come because of the fun, I came because God was waiting for me there and I was ready to meet Him! Sr. High Church Camp this year has been the best camp experience out of all of my nine years of going and God blessed me and had so much more in store for me than I ever could have anticipated!

The theme this year at camp was "Bare Foot"..."Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground"~Exodus 3:5. It was all about the life of Moses and how God used Moses who was broken and used him for something more than Moses ever could have imagined and brought healing to his life. It was about Moses bare foot encounter with God. And I will say, I had an awesome barefoot encounter with God this week at camp! God brought healing to places in my life that I couldn't handle on my own, I mended relationships, I made new friends, and I learned so much about how God uses broken people for the glory of Him!

My small group was absolutely amazing, and we all were so open and it broke my heart to see some of them broken and to remember a time when I was just as broken. It was truly a blessing to see all of them grow in the Lord and begin healing! I loved quiet time with God and I loved the services...Andrew Brown was an amazing speaker and God definately used him in my life! My cabin was amazing too and we had great heart to heart talks at night and really connected to God...even with the spiders listening...yuck! Our cabin had so much fun was great!

We had campfires, worship concerts, games of capture the flag, hikes up communion hill, and so much more...last night was the best! We went down to the ampitheater and looked across the lake and some guys reinacted the scene with Moses and the burning bush...they even had a real huge burning bush and it was so cool. It looked super cool in the dark. Then we all let our problems go by writing them on hot air balloons and letting them go by setting them on fire and watching them float up in the night sky. It was beautiful...and then we had fireworks over the lake and stayed up like forever!

It was an amazing spiritual week, but I still had fun with other camp activities!It was so hot! Despite the heat though, I had so much fun! We played two games each ultimate frisbee, kick ball, dodge ball, and volleyball, and then I went swimming after that for like two hours everyday!It was so much fun and I got tan! I had the best week!

Now I am going to wash and repack, because I have to leave to counsel camp tomorrow...yay! So soon hopefully and another blog post hopefully soon too. I tried to tell you all so much...and I know I have so much more to say, but until next time,
Lahni Blair

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